Monday, June 22, 2009

This Does Not Suck!!!

I spent Father’s day with the Master Chief and his family in Walla Walla Washington. BBQ’d some dead cow and told stories, great stories. Day started sunny in Kennewick but them clouded up and by Walla Walla I was getting rained on. Around 3 the clouds remembered who I am and broke up. The web showed clear sky south so I hit the road and outran the clouds. Bill and I once outran not just clouds but the 1st Winter storm that hit Wyoming and had to fly past a state and a half to get back in the sun. Writing this the next morning and its cloudy here but sunny south, again, so, again, I will follow the sun and head south according to the master plan.

The last two days didn’t seem like the Harley adventure I have been waiting for, since I was going to family reunions and visiting like always. But when I rode away from The Master Chief and Marie, well now it’s on.

Song of the day: “Sun King” – Beatles
Thought of the day: This does not suck!

Today, Monday, June 22nd the plan is to go through the back roads of Oregon around Mt. Hood and over towards the coast through Corvallis Oregon. I hope to get to see Jenovich, which would be the highlight of the trip for me. She is a gymnast friend of my daughters and like my own. Of course plans are subject to change at any moment on this trip.

I was thinking, you have a lot of time to think on a ride, about how great this is and how I could make a living riding the country on my Harley? Then I thought that the difference between living an adventure and living our “normal” lives is all in our minds and we could by practice and focus live like this every day. Then the day unfolds and the scenery, even in the “ugly” desert of southeast WA, which I love, amazes me and I have to keep stopping to take pictures. I decided nope, you have to do this. And it will never be normal. But …

Leaving Walla Walla around the big bend in the Columbia river. Look at those telephone poles, they are covered with those antique real glass insulators ...

Now this is a great picture. You will probably get tired of me blogging about cloud, sunshine and weather, at least until i get to Arizona where the sun shines every single day. You have to understand that riding in the rain sucks it just ruins a great thing.
So when i see a sight like this i have to take a picture. You can't see it very good in the pic but there were these beautiful lines through the sky.However the main point is blue sky in the direction i am heading.

This picture will send shivers of fear traipsing up the spines of my good friends at Microsoft! ... you have to know Jack.

I love hill sides like this. I know many will think the are not that great but this is what the countryside is like around where i was born and grew up so i will always love it. When i was young i used to want to pull over and run up one of these hills. They're my hills, Ya, that's right, they're mine.

This picture is for Teri and Doug (funnyman), my sister and her husband. While packing up to leave their house yesterday i had trouble getting my hat to stay on, the strap broke and Doug gave me this caribeaner thingy to hook around the head strap. That didn't work so this is the final solution i came up with.

In high school coming home from HS Nationals in Colorado on a Greyhound with Greg Williams and Dave Butts Greg taught me the true value of a hat, to cover ugly hair. Helmets ruin hair.

This is a contest. who can tell me who the extremely bow legged noodle armed cowboy on the left is. Winner will get a special prize.

Haysta La Vista ...